Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Energy Institute, Nuclear Researches Division Ayazaga Campus -Turkey
Neuropsychological Society - Greece
Finance and Psychology in SIAS-CIAPS (Centre for International Advanced and Professional Studies) Former Visiting Professor of Psychology, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don - Russia
Chairman of Psychiatry Department at Case Western Reserve University and MetroHealth System at Clevaland OH. After completing psychiatry residency training at Harvard Medical School, Dr Badgaiyan worked as a member of the faculty at Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, State University of- New York
Department of Public Health, Fareast International University - Bangladesh
Department of Neuroscience Researcher at BG Bergmannsheil Bochum- Germany
Department of Statistics, The University of Burdwan, West Bengal- India
Research Article
Abdalgany Al Ahmar 1, Mohammad Hwafdeh2, Abdullah Bani mohammad 3 , Husam Matalqah4, Khaled Nazzal5
and Ahmad Ali 6*
Case Report
Rosa Rendón-García1, Francisco Javier Torres-Gómez1* and María Luisa Sánchez-Bernal1
Research Article
Raymond Kodio1*, Dr. Cheick Oumar Kangama2
Research Article
Ang Yang Yu, China
Research Article
Mohammed Abdul Qader AlMalmi
Case Report
Pedro Rolando López Rodríguez1*, M Lázaro Pérez Rodríguez2 and Lic M Mercedes Gil García3