
CSK Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

CSK Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Journal Home

The CSK Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences is an online, Open Access journal that seeks to disseminate high-quality research articles, reviews, letters, and guest-edited single-topic issues in all areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. Our journal is committed to publishing the latest advances in Humanities and Social Sciences.

As a peer-reviewed journal, CSK Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences is a trustworthy source of current information on developments in the field, including Humanities and Social Sciences. The journal's scope also encompasses studies that relate to the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our primary objective is to rapidly publish quality papers and make them freely accessible to researchers worldwide.

The following topics are covered by the CSK Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences:

  • Literature
  • History
  • Philosophy
  • Art
  • Music
  • Theater
  • Film
  • Linguistics
  • Anthropology
  • Archaeology
  • Classics
  • Cultural studies
  • Gender studies
  • Religious studies
  • Ethnic studies
  • Area studies
  • Digital humanities
  • Cultural heritage
  • Oral history
  • Folklore
  • Poetry
  • Fiction
  • Non-fiction
  • Creative writing
  • Aesthetics
  • Semiotics
  • Rhetoric
  • Discourse analysis
  • Cultural criticism
  • Postcolonial studies
  • Sociology
  • Political science
  • Anthropology
  • Economics
  • Psychology
  • Geography
  • History
  • Linguistics
  • Criminology
  • Communication studies
  • Education
  • Social work
  • Public administration
  • Cultural studies
  • Gender studies
  • Ethnic studies
  • Environmental studies
  • Urban studies
  • Media studies
  • International relations

Aim & Scope

CSK Journal of Humanities and Social Sciencesaims to provide a multidisciplinary platform for professionals, research scholars, and scientists to publish innovative research in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must adhere to the author’s guidelines stated in the journal.

The journal welcomes original research articles, review articles, special articles, brief reports, and short communications related to the latest advancements in Humanities and Social Sciences. All case studies must adhere to the guidelines for statistical analysis. If necessary, the authors must be prepared to provide the editorial board with the informed consent form and other ethical approval forms.

To ensure the quality of the published articles, all scientific manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer-review process by expert reviewers and the most distinguished editors on our editorial board. The journal follows the Creative Commons Attribution License and offers open-access publishing policies to scholars. The published articles can be accessed by readers online using a unique Digital Objective Identifier (DOI) provided by Cross Ref.

Author Guidelines

The manuscript must be written in English and adhere to the following guidelines:

Title: The title must be concise, informative, and written in italics or underlined, with scientific names also in italics or underlined.

Authors: The authors' names must be typed in capital letters, without their degrees or titles.

Address: Below the authors' names, the address of the institution where the work was conducted must be provided. The current correspondence address should be indicated by an asterisk as a footnote.

Abstract: The abstract should be divided into three parts: Background, Methods, and Results. It should briefly introduce the topic, state the scope of the experiments, present significant data, and highlight major findings and conclusions. The abstract should not exceed 150 to 200 words and should use standard nomenclature without any abbreviations or citations.

Keywords: After the abstract, up to eight keywords that will provide indexing references should be listed in alphabetical order.

Introduction: The introduction should be brief and relevant to the paper's theme. Excessive review and unnecessary detail of earlier work should be avoided.

Materials and Methods: This section should provide information on the appropriate methodology used, with references cited only for known methods. It should include the experimental design and techniques used, along with the experimental area, institution, and year of the experiment.

Results and Discussion: This section should combine the results and discussion to avoid repetition. The results should not be repeated in both tables and figures. The discussion should relate to the significance of the observations.

Conclusion and Acknowledgement: The conclusion should summarize the findings, and the acknowledgement should mention the contributors who helped in the research work.

Table numbers should be followed by the title of the table, and line drawings or photographs should contain a figure number and description. The corresponding numbers of tables, figures, etc., should be quoted in the text. Tables and figures should be below 1 MB in size.

References: The author-date format should be used for citations and references, with a list of all references provided alphabetically. The author's surname, initials, and year of publication in brackets should be mentioned, followed by the title of the article. The full journal name should be typed in italics, with volume numbers in bold type and pagination in normal type.

Page/Line Number: Authors should mention the page number and line number for each line in the manuscript to facilitate review. Text alignment, line spacing, word count, figures, and tables should be as per the format. A sample paper is provided for reference.

The journal accepts the following types of submissions:

  1. Full-length articles (not exceeding 3,000 words, including references, but excluding tables and figures).
  2. Short theoretical articles (not exceeding 2,000 words, including references).
  3. Review articles (not exceeding 6,000 words).

APC: The article processing charge for this journal is $999.

All papers are peer-reviewed, and the author(s) are responsible for any statement in the article. The corresponding author must certify that the article or its data has not been submitted or will not be submitted elsewhere for publication. If a manuscript is returned for revision, it must be resubmitted within 20-25 days of its receipt. All correspondence should refer to the assigned article number.

All submissions must be sent through the Online Submission Platform or as email. The email subject line should indicate the type of submission, such as research article submission (Name of the Journal) or Review Article Submission (Name of the Journal).

Editorial Board

Early Online

Current Issue




Latest Articles

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Mark L Walker MD, FACS

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Christos P Beretas, MSc. Ph.D

Comparative Analysis of the Epidemiological and Evolutionary Profile of Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Other Causes of Heart Failure

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Lamiaa Afendi1*, F Essadqi1, A ElBouazizi1, D Bennani1, M Bennouna1, M Haboub1 and R Habbal1